A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) gives you more control over how you manage your superannuation. Taking control of your investments and superannuation can help to reach your retirement goals. Hiscox Partners leverages SMSFs to maximise the tax benefits and yields
When setting up a SMSF, Hiscox Partners can assist with the entire establishment process as well as manage all compliance matters.

Hiscox Partners offers the following services for SMSFs
- Establishment of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
- Completion of annual regulatory returns
- Arranging annual superannuation audits (via independent audit providers)
- Advice concerning compliance matters
- Advice concerning taxation benefits
- Advice on employer obligations
Please note that Hiscox Partners does not hold a financial services license, and therefore cannot specifically advise on financial products, or whether a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund is right for you.

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The tax landscape is complex but our team helps you navigate the problems that you encounter.